John Latta
North Saanich, BC
John Latta started his aviation career in 1960 when he joined the RCAF and was trained as an avionics technician on several aircraft including the North Star and CL-44 Yukon.
1965 John joined the BC Government Air Services as an avionics technician for the primary purpose of designing and installing the avionics and electrical systems in the trade-wind Beechcraft being converted from a Beech 18.
John obtained his AME license while with the BC Government Air Services; he held several positions including Director of Maintenance. He managed the maintenance department fleet of piston, turbo-prop and jet aircraft. He was responsible for all maintenance requirements including planning, modifications, aircraft imports and exports, repairs, inventory and regulatory requirements.
1991 John assisted with the establishment of the BC Government Quality Assurance Department and was the Manager of Quality Assurance Maintenance Branch for 7 years. He developed maintenance and operational standards for Air Operators providing contracted Air Ambulance and Air Charter Services and he audited the contracted companies to ensure compliance with established standards.
1997 John’s entrepreneurial spirit and long time dream was realized when he formed Latta Aviation Consultants Inc. which is a highly respected company providing professional assistance to the aviation industry including: assisting Air Operators and (AMOs) Approved Maintenance Organizations with regulatory requirements, developing Maintenance Control and Maintenance Policy Manuals, company start-ups, developing contracted aviation standards and auditing for compliance with requirements, and on site Tech Rep service.
John was a CBAA (Canadian Business Aviation Association) accredited auditor during the time the CBAA was responsible for 604 Air Charters
John is an IS-BAO (International Standard for Business Aircraft Operations) accredited auditor.
John has assisted several colleagues establish their careers including venturing into their own consulting businesses, he always takes the time to assist others.
He is a current AME with both M1 & M2 ratings; license number M100175.
2009 John received the Robert Hope Award of Excellence from the Pacific AME Association.
John has been an active member of the PAMEA since 1987. He formed the Victoria Chapter and was Chapter President for 5 years. He was PAMEA Vice President for 3 years and PAMEA President for 8 years. John coordinated numerous training seminars in Victoria and a few locations in the province in addition to organizing many annual seminars and trade shows.
John was PAMEA’s representative with CFAMEA and Transport Canada including CARAC (Canadian Aviation Regulation Advisory Council). He was a very active and vocal participant in the many meetings during the AME license change process. John’s perseverance presenting member’s concerns about the license changes including the fear that existing endorsements would be lost was the main factor that resulted in Transport Canada issuing the Historical Record that details proof of endorsements and ratings from the original AME license that were earned prior to the issue of the new AME license.
John is a strong advocate for recognizing deserving aviation industry individuals and companies; he was responsible for nominating Pacific Region AMEs who have been inducted into the AME Hall of Fame and Canada’s Aviation Hall of Fame.
John is active in his community and has been a North Saanich Volunteer Fire Fighter for 28 years.