A Message from President Sam Longo – April 2020

I urge you all to practice social distancing, do your best to be good Samaritans, good citizens and strong Canadians.
Sam Longo
Hello fellow AME’s across Canada. As you all know 2020 is shaping up to be an extremely challenging year. In addition the last month in particular has also been life threatening due to COVID-19. Many of you have had to continue working to maintain aircraft working shoulder to shoulder with your fellow technicians. Many of these flights are more crucial than ever to get Canadians home safe and sound to their families. For this, all Canadians are eternally grateful.
Now as the aviation world slowly grinds to a halt many of you are facing lay-offs and uncertain futures once the immediate danger has passed. I urge you all to hang in there, this industry has always had its ups and downs and it will bounce back as it always does. Your dedication to your profession will see you through to better times. Take this opportunity to enjoy time with your families, devoid of shiftwork and try to make the best of it. Reach out to friends and family through social media and check in on those who may need a helping hand. Please remember that whatever challenges you are facing we are all in this together. Be compassionate, as there may be others with much greater needs and concerns.
I urge you all to practice social distancing, do your best to be good Samaritans, good citizens and strong Canadians.
Stay Safe!
Sam Longo
President AMEC-TEAC