
Message from Xavier Pallares – President

October 16, 2023

It is with great pride and joy that I accept the mandate entrusted to me by the presidents of the various regional Aircraft Maintenance Engineers (AME) Associations in Canada. The work of an AME is our profession, and it is essential to the Canadian economy. We enable aircraft to fly safely and guarantee passengers, crews, and anyone else that their aircraft inspected, repaired, and certified by our work will be in perfect airworthy condition.

Our profession must now make itself better known to the public so that it can have the prominence it should, at all levels. As AMEC/TEAC, we will work together with Transport Canada and our various partners with the aim of constantly improving training, regulations and the various aspects affecting our profession for the benefit of Aircraft Maintenance Engineers and aviation safety. It is an honor for me to start as the new President of AMEC/TEAC and to serve the AMEs of Canada.

Xavier Pallares
Aircraft Maintenance Engineer


C’est avec une grande joie que j’accepte le mandat que m’ont confié les présidents des différentes Associations régionales de Techniciens d’entretien d’aéronefs (TEA) du Canada. Le travail de TEA est notre profession et elle est essentielle pour l’économie canadienne : nous permettons aux aéronefs de voler en toute sécurité et garantissons aux passagers, aux équipages et à toute autre personne que son aéronef inspecté, réparé et certifié par notre corps de métier sera en parfait état de navigabilité.

Notre profession doit maintenant mieux se faire connaître par le grand public pour qu’elle puisse avoir le rayonnement qu’elle devrait, et ce, à tous les niveaux. En tant qu’AMEC/TEAC, nous travaillerons de concert avec Transports Canada et nos différents partenaires dans le but d’une amélioration constante de la formation, de la réglementation et des différents aspects touchant notre métier au bénéfice des Techniciens d’entretien d’aéronefs et de la sécurité aérienne. C’est un honneur pour moi de débuter en tant que nouveau président d’AMEC/TEAC et de servir les TEA du Canada.

Xavier Pallares
Technicien d’entretien d’aéronefs

Bio :

Having graduated from the École nationale d’aérotechnique of Cégep Édouard-Montpetit (ÉNA) in 2003, I had the opportunity to work at the start of my career in an MRO in the Montreal area as well as in the North of Quebec before joining Air Canada a few years later. I obtained my AME licence in 2008 which allowed me to work for several years in Trenton, Ontario on Government of Canada aircraft, before working in line maintenance in Toronto and Montreal.

Having participated in the relaunch of the AME Association of Quebec in 2017, I am part of the Board of Cégep Édouard-Montpetit.
Ayant gradué de l’École nationale d’aérotechnique du Cégep Édouard-Montpetit (ÉNA) en 2003, j’ai eu l’occasion de travailler en début de carrière dans une MRO de la région de Montréal ainsi que dans le Grand Nord Québécois avant de joindre Air Canada quelques années plus tard. J’ai eu ma licence de TEA en 2008 ce qui m’a permis de travailler plusieurs années à Trenton en Ontario sur les avions du Gouvernement du Canada, avant de travailler en maintenance en ligne à Toronto et à Montréal. Ayant participé à la relance de l’Association des TEA du Québec en 2017, je fais partie du Conseil d’administration du Cégep Édouard-Montpetit.

Message from Hannah Duffield – Vice President

16 October 2023

Hello membership. I am Hannah Duffield and I am the president of PAMEA the Pacific Regional Association and now Vice President of AMEC/TEAC. I am looking forward to representing all AMEs in Canada as well as my fellow AMEs in PAMEA.

I am a licensed Aircraft Maintenance Engineer. I have been in the industry for over 6 years, and have had a diverse career, so far, gaining experience on a variety of aircraft from Boeing 737s to Cessna 172s. I have gained experience in a lot of aspects of aviation maintenance from heavy maintenance to airline operations. During my free time I enjoy advocating for and educating other Aircraft Maintenance Engineers through my various volunteer positions with Elevate Aviation and working to make the west coast voice in aircraft maintenance heard through the Pacific Aircraft Maintenance Engineers Association (PAMEA). I am encouraged that we can make PAMEA a strong voice once again with everyone’s support.

Message from Robert Horne – Secretary Treasurer

Thanksgiving Weekend 2023

Hello, as I write this message, I note that the Polar Vortex has attacked Ontario; there is snow falling in Whitehorse and Atlantic Canada is getting rained on again. We at AMEC/TEAC and I hope that everyone is staying safe from the weather and that your health is good.

A lot is happening with the National organization. I will review some things for you here.

The AME Day project is gaining great momentum. There is a meeting with Michael V. McLeod – Member of Parliament for Northwest Territories in the next few weeks to review the petition and present industry support letters to have April 20 of every year to be known as Aircraft Maintenance Engineers Day commemorating the first Air Engineers license issued to Mr. Robert McCombie in 1920. MP Michael McLeod was kind enough to sponsor this petition when it was launched June 6, 2023. The petition closed October 4, 2023 with 1108 signatures. MP McLeod will next present the petition package to Parliament for adoption. The next step is a vote in the House with a positive desired outcome.

The AME Day project is a National initiative lead by Louis Anderson – Ontario Regional Association President. It has support from all aspects of the Aviation Community and others across Canada. So many that I cannot list them all here. Plus Regional Association members and leaders support.

AME Association of Ontario is very busy with the SDF Skills Development Fund support work showing the public that Aviation Maintenance is a great profession to be part of. The Team has been to airshows, community events, aviation events and schools so far. Go to the ame-ont.com web site for SDF details. 

The Ontario Association Annual Conference is set and registration is open. The date is November 29 and 30. Please see the ame-ont.com web site for details and a link to register. Or contact cara@precisionaerocomponents.com 

As well there is a Northern Ontario Conference organized for November 23, 2023. Contact Lori Olsen at LOlsen@aviationintertec.com for details.

CAMEA and AAMEA (Central and Atlantic) Associations have had conferences this year that were very successful. Please see their web sites for details. 

In the very near future, you may notice a different look and feel to the national and Regional web sites. This is because we will launch the Multi-Chapter format web site. AMEC/TEAC is a National organization. This new Multi-Chapter will reflect this truly National feel of the organization. It has been more than two years getting this huge project completed. We hope you will like it.

It appears that the pandemic has been declared over. The economy is trying to recover. There is a shortage of maintenance professionals in every corner of aviation. We will perservere. We need you to renew your membership in the Association.  AMEC/TEAC needs your participation. We have Benefits. You need to use them. We are keeping the rates as they were pre-pandemic. This rate freeze is for the foreseeable future. 

AMEC/TEAC is for everyone; AME’s, ACA’s, SCA’s, Technicians, Associate Members, Apprentices, Students, Retirees and Corporate Members.

Finally, I apologize that these pages on this web site have not changed in some time. It is my intent to update information at least monthly.

PLEASE, RENEW your membership or JOIN for the first time.


Robert Horne

Message from Robert Horne – Secretary Treasurer

October 12, 2023

Hello everyone. At a special Board of Directors meeting of AMEC/TEAC held
recently, the Board accepted Paul Carters’ resignation from the office of President. The Board elected Xavier Pallares to become President for the remaining term to the end of 2024. With that change a new Vice President was required. The Board elected Hannah Duffield as Vice President for the remainder of the term to the end of 2024.
Please join me in welcoming both to these positions.

Congratulations to you both.

Robert Horne
12 Octobre 2023

Message de Robert Horne – Secrétaire-trésorier

Bonjour à tous et à toutes. Lors d’une réunion spéciale du Conseil d’administration
d’AMEC/TEAC tenue récemment, le Conseil a accepté la démission de Paul Carter du poste de président. Le Conseil d’administration a élu Xavier Pallares au poste de président pour le mandat restant jusqu’à la fin de 2024. Ce changement a nécessité la nomination d’un nouveau vice-président. Le conseil d’administration a élu Hannah Duffield au poste de vice-présidente pour le reste du mandat jusqu’à la fin de 2024.
Veuillez-vous joindre à moi pour accueillir ces deux personnes à ces postes.

Félicitations à vous deux.




  • To hold in high regard the safety of those persons affected by the Aviation Maintenance occupations, to promote safe practices in the workplace and to recognize that safety is the cornerstone of the aviation industry.
  • To provide a national forum for Canadian Aircraft Maintenance Engineers and more particularly to promote and mentor our occupation, distinguishing and highlighting the roll of Aircraft Maintenance Professionals in the aviation workforce.
  • To constitute a body through which the views and objectives of Aircraft Maintenance Engineers, Technicians, Approved Maintenance Organizations and others may be represented at the Canadian and global level. Aircraft Maintenance Engineers of Canada will be available for advice or consultation on all questions, policy matters, and all other areas of the aviation industry which affects or may affect the Aircraft Maintenance Engineer and all members in the aircraft maintenance industry.
  • To constitute a body which is recognized, and available for consultation regarding the regulation of any matter in the aviation industry, which may affect the Aircraft Maintenance Engineer and all other persons in the aircraft maintenance industry.
  • To influence and obtain recognition from various government and aviation agencies, corporations and training facilities which may have an impact on the aviation maintenance industry.
  • To facilitate the interchange between regions of Canada relating to their views of the aviation maintenance industry, or to any other matter, which may be of common interest to our members.
  • To disseminate technical or other information which relates to the occupation of Aircraft Maintenance Engineer or to the aviation industry professionals in general.
  • To maintain a high standard in the aviation industry, and in particular the licensed Aircraft Maintenance Engineer and all other Aviation Maintenance Professionals.